Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Whole 30 - Day 8

Breakfast:  Eggs over lettuce with salsa. I took a picture!

This is so good. I crave salsa, so this fulfills that craving. I also canned this salsa last fall. So I know it doesn't have sugar in it. I think it's safe to assume that there is probably sugar in store bought salsa. Seriously, there is sugar in everything! I looked at some chicken broth labels and every single one had sugar in it. In chicken broth! I made my own.

Lunch: Chicken lettuce wrap. This was our idea to "hopefully" make things cheaper this week for food. I bought a whole chicken, cooked it in the crockpot, and by doing that I got 3 quarts of chicken broth (from the water covering the chicken) and I also used that chicken for our lunches for the week so I didn't have to cook chicken for our lunches. I think ultimately it did save us money, because I didn't have to buy chicken broth for our soups I"m making this week, and it made it easier because I didn't have to cook chicken for our lunches.

The reason, I think, why I spent too much on groceries this week was because i bought stuff to make our own bbq sauce, which will last a long time now that I have all that and I can make multiple batches, plus I think I spent too much on fruit.  And I also did buy ground turkey and a whole chicken where as the week before I didn't.

Anyways, Dinner: Salad, Grilled chicken, and sweet potato fries.

This was a big hit! Jonas loved the chicken and the fries. And Alexis even ate the chicken! And she devoured the fries. I also made the BBQ sauce and it was pretty good. Clint wasn't a huge fan because it has apple cider vinegar in it (he doesn't like vinegar that much), but I liked it. Plus, no sugar. So win win. :)

When I eat whole30 foods, I feel good after I eat. I don't feel heavy or bloated or gross, like I did when I was eating dairy and sugar induced foods. I do miss bread - a lot. But I'm going to be eating that next week - sparingly - to save on groceries. But I think having grains in small quantities isn't going to kill me. :)

1 comment:

  1. We love sweet potato fries!! Good job on making your own chicken broth! That's how I like to do it! :)
